Photographic Metaphors

by Florence W Deems
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Passageway: a way that allows passage to or from a place or between two points.

This is the literal dictionary definition. But I'm using these literal images as a visual metaphor for some of humanity's aspirations for passageways on a different plane.

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Passageway to Self-Reflection

Self reflection: this is what some of my Buddhist friends tell me that they do each evening before going to bed. They review the day's events and reflect upon how they behaved and felt about them then and during their self reflective moments later. Whether they feel that they remembered their spiritual goals, or made mistakes. So if they made mistakes, they forgive themselves and forgive others who may have made these events uncomfortable.

So the image shows a passageway with a mirror* at its end. One thus physically approaches one's reflection as one proceeds through the tunnel. And so I decided to use this image as a metaphor for self reflection of a spiritual nature.

* An installation at The Grounds for Sculpture,
Hamilton, NJ, USA.

Image processed with Photoshop's CS3 and Apple's iPhoto '08.


Self-Reflection ::: Bread Line ::: Corrigan's Corridor

Welcoming Light ::: Thrill Seekers ::: Convergence

Private ::: Uneven ::: Lower Depths

Derring-Do ::: Peaceful Haven

Inner Child

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