by Florence W Deems
Some years ago I started a couple of photographic projects and then others developed along the way. Most of the projects below are on-going, meaning that I'll be adding to them from time to time. If you are a person who loves to go out shooting with a camera as a hobby, perhaps you'd also be interested in starting a project.
For instance, go back to your favorite place and shoot it during all four seasons to see how it changes. Or you can also take one object and shoot it from different angles, with different cameras and lenses. Another type of project would be to take a photo a day for a month, or a year! Although you'd probably shoot many images some days, you'd pick only your favorite for each day. So a project can consist of anything that holds your interest enough to want to explore more and in greater depth photographically.
Two of my friends use people as projects. They both are compiling 100 portraits of people they meet on the streets. So shoot away at whatever makes you happy.
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