Hoping for Hot Soup

by Flo Deems
::: ::: :::

Standing, shivering, with stomachs growling

They wait, lined up early to be first

In line, hoping for hot soup.

Today will there will be meat in the soup?

Today will the soup be thick with vegetables

Even if there is no meat?

Hoping the soup won't be thin,

Just broth and onions or potatoes,

Like yesterday.

No matter how thick or how thin,

Late arrivals may get no soup.

::: ::: :::

Endless Hunger ::: Walking into the Past?
Hoping for Soup ::: Hope Dances In
Where Do We Stand?
Woman's Intuition
Passageways-Bread Line


What Is Real? ::: Nightmares
What's in the Mist? ::: Word Perfect
What Are They Remembering? Pt 1
The Messenger's Birth
What Are They Remembering? Pt 2
Garden of Reflection ::: Tyler's Letter
A Hero's Life ::: Economy Hits Wall
Tangled Web ::: Flo's Other Musings
Giving Back to Our Communities
The Worms in Our Thoughts

::: ::: :::

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