After I hard boiled some eggs one morning, I saw one of them waving its flag of surrender in the water. But after I poured off the water, I had a hard time getting its flag to wave again. So anyhow, here's what the surrender flag looks like when the wind is calm!

I Surrender!

We Surrender!
So I posted these two images to the former TME community forum, with the request to "Please eggscuse me." Following are the eggscessive comments made by other community members.
Charlene (Bug): Wow, that egg certainly eggsploded and eggspulsed its innards with egguberance.
Flo: Thanks, Charlene. Methinks the rest of the community is a tad tired of egg jokes!
Becky: Flo, more like eggshausted! Thanks to both of you for a well needed laugh.
Charlene: I guess we were joking to eggcess!
Flo: AACCKK!!! Becky and Charlene, you crack me up! Now I'm eggzhausted!
April: Quoting Flo - "you crack me up." Stop, stop!
Flo: OK, April - no more eggy humor! Hey, everyone - shall we honor poor, long suffering April's request?
Trish: Eggzackly the thing to do
Charlene: Sigh, I'm egghausted!
Peter M: Flo, sorry I missed this yoke!
Flo: Oh, Peter! Thanks, anyway
Phyllis: Flo, I like your eggs. I just arrived but think I'll eggsit now!
Flo: Eggsit! Now that's a new one! Thanks, Phyllis!