Mr. Egg
I've never had a hard boiled egg do this particular type of cracking while cooking. It reminded me of an Eskimo all wrapped up in winter furs. So I posted this image to the former TME community forum. Following are the eggscessive comments made by other community members.
Tom: War of the worlds, they've landed
Bruce (bvp): Egg Cyclops - run for the nearest exit!
Flo: LOL, you two crack me up! (Pun intended)
Wes: And you ate this thing, Flo? I am not sure whether I could or not.
Becky: No, No, not another egg. Aeeee! Flo, I have never had an egg do this either and like Wes, I am not sure I could eat it. But what an egggciting discovery.
Flo: Thank you Wes and Becky. Of course I ate it! Never occurred to me not to, ROTFLOL! It tasted just like it was supposed to!
DJan (delbrajan): OH NO!!!!!! Here we go eggain!
Flo: Thanks, Djan! I'm wondering why April's eggs didn't get all the jokes cracked about them!? (April had posted an image showing several eggs arranged very elegantly--no one would think of cracking a joke about them!)
April: Wisecracker!